Christian is serving in the Stratford area in London.

He will arrive home in Salt Lake City on June 4 about 5:15 p.m. and will speak in church on June 8 @ 12:30.

The address of the mission office is:

England London Mission
64/68 Exhibition Road
South Kensington
London SW7 2PA
England, United Kingdom

Monday, January 7, 2013

People are Loving Us

Ahoy there everybody,
            We had a really good week this week.  We found a ton of people that are interested in learning about the gospel!
            One day we were tracting and we ran into a lady named Anne.  She seemed kind of awestruck when she answered the door.  We started talking about the plan of salvation and then she got kind of spooked out and she said, "You guys are freaking me out.  I was just sitting in my kitchen, thinking about what the purpose of life was, and then you guys showed up."  
            I love moments like that.  She was really interested and we will go see her this week. I will let you know how things go.
            I am really enjoying everything that is going on. People around here are loving us for some reason. I think they think it’s cool that they have two guys walking around their town like the Book of Mormon musical haha.
            That has definitely caused some waves around here. It makes everybody interested in the actual book itself. I guess any publicity is good publicity. And we always get on the topic of Native Americans too. People here love anything to do with Native Americans.
            For instance, Mom you sent me those Native American socks that have buffalo on them. Whenever I wear them and people see them they think they are the coolest thing in the world.  I even got asked once if I had thrown a tomahawk hahaha.  I love how fascinated with that stuff these people are.
            England is great.
            brothas and sistas . . . adieu

Elder Purdy