Well goodness this has been a tough week.
We did some service yesterday which was good, and I am
finally getting over this little cold of mine.
However, Elder Badger is coming down with the flu, and
chances are [we] will be inside for the rest of the week. I might
go nuts! I have
been studying a lot today, but I am so dang bored, haha.
Anywhoooo, things are going well. Hopefully we can get back to work soon, or I
may lose it haha.
Well I love you guys and I hope you get back to me soon.
Love, Elder Purdy
Is [Elder Badger] getting
better? Are you feeling better now?
Yeah, I hope he will get better soon. I feel fine now.
You OK? A little down?
Yeah, a little but its good. Missions aren’t meant to be easy. I’m learning a lot. I just miss being normal sometimes.
I know exactly how you feel. Don’t
worry too much about “being a missionary.” Sometimes we add so much pressure to
the calling. You are doing great. Being a good missionary and working hard does
not mean being miserable. You are allowed to enjoy the experience. You are
learning a lot. You are trying your best. You are drawing closer to God and
understanding his word. You are learning about people and how to teach. All of
that is amazing.
Be happy, work hard, but enjoy the
experience. You are doing great and there is no part of this that is supposed
to make you feel like if you are happy you are not serious enough. Does that
make sense?
Makes perfect sense. I will enjoy myself. I’ll find ways.
Missionary work is not easy,
but it is not meant to be drudgery, either. Sometimes we can drive ourselves
crazy with the idea that, no matter how hard we try it is never enough. That is
only a path to discouragement. Those who enter into God’s service should be of
good cheer and proclaim good news. Don’t let things get you down. You are
amazing. Just stop and smell the roses once in a while. Recharge your batteries.
Enjoy the sunshine (I assume you have some!). Most of all, know you are loved
more than anything and thought of every minute of every day.